Winkhaus ThunderBolt 5-Point Locking Multipoint Lock Single Door Kits

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Experience advanced security with the ThunderBolt, Winkhaus' cutting-edge locking system, seamlessly blending high security with effortless installation.

Featuring 5 DEADBOLTS as standard incorporating solid twin deadbolts in upper and lower positions, this system ensures top-tier security and unparalleled peace of mind.

The high-security nickel-plated alloy deadbolts fully penetrate heavy-duty steel keeps, preventing forced separation of the door and frame. ThunderBolt holds prestigious accreditations, including Police Secured by Design and PAS 24.

Benefit from 50% greater fitting tolerances compared to conventional hook locking systems, coupled with a 30% increase in center gearbox strength to resist malicious loads. The high-performance gearbox, tested to 100,000 cycles, ensures the lowest operating forces.

PAS 24 tested, the ThunderBolt's tapered deadbolt design minimizes operating forces and enhances door weather performance. The lock and keeps feature a protective surface coating exceeding BS EN1670 Grade 4 for 'Very high corrosion resistance.'

Engineered and manufactured in Germany, the ThunderBolt locking system is endorsed by the Police 'Secured by Design' security initiative—a crucial approval recognized by the Association of British Insurers. Elevate your security with ThunderBolt, the epitome of German engineering excellence.

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