Winkhaus Interlocking Stable Door Multipoint Lock Kits

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The Winkhaus Interlocking Stable Door multipoint locking system is purpose made for stable doors

Consisting of upper and lower lock sections which interlock by means of a integrated shootbolt.

The interlocking feature improves the security and overall functionality of the lock and also eliminates the need for additional hardware in order to secure both leaves together

The stable door lock can operate as a conventional door without the need of an additional rackbolt and also lower and upper lock sections independently

  • A secure way to let natural light and air into your home
  • Key operated lower section lock fitted with a roller ball latch. Lift lever to lock upper section lock 
  • Adjustable roller ball latch on lower lock section
  • High strength centre gearbox to reduce the risk of malicious abusive loads
  • 25mm throw tapered plated steel hooks for optimum security, ease of operation and weather performance
  • Longer faceplate to accomodate taller doors
  • 20mm wide steel faceplate with +2mm adjustment to suit popular routing techniques
  • Sprung latch and nickel plated steel deadbolt provides maximum strength in the centre of the door
  • Tested to 100,000 cycles the sprung gearbox offers the lowest possible operating forces and helps prevent handle "droop"
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