Winkhaus AV2 Multipoint Lock Kit

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No longer is it necessary to lift the handle lever to engage the hook locking mechanism. This has often been difficult for the elderly and the infirm and puts their security at risk. There is a clear indication from the Police that it is not uncommon for doors to be closed just on the latch because of difficulties lifting handles - a fact well known to potential burglars!

As soon as the door is closed, automatic locking takes place with 2 high tensile steel hooks engaging without the need to lift a handle. The locked door can then be open internally by depressing a handle or operating a thumbturn cylinder. Entrance is gained by use of a key

Using an Automatic AV2 mechanical lock, which operates as a slam lock as soon as the door is closed, also reduces the risk of a ‘follow-on’ attack or ‘tailgating‘ as it is sometimes known. Closing the door behind you as soon as you enter a dwelling gives immediate full security and reduces the risk of anyone trying to enter immediately behind you

  • By eliminating the need to lift the handle to engage the lock, the AV2 is ideal for the elderly. The AV2 has uniquely been awarded The Owl Mark™ approval issued by the University of Birmingham Centre for Gerontology which independently assesses products for their suitability of use with the aged
  • The AV2 is never “just locked on the latch”. When closing the door, two solid anti-pushback hooks automatically operate to achieve instant security
  • Tested to PAS24 the AV2 hook shape provides low operating forces and helps doors achieve a higher level of weather performance
  • AV2 in combination with Winkhaus Fireframe ® is successfully tested in doors for Fire Door FD30 application
  • Winkhaus locks have a protective surface coating in excess of EN 1670 : 2007 Grade 4 which is designated as ‘Very high corrosion resistance’
  • When the door is closed, high security nickel plated steel hooks fully penetrate the heavy duty steel keeps and help prevent forcing apart of the door and frame. AV2 is Police Secured By Design, PAS 24, SKG, and VdS accredited
  • The high performance gearbox is tested to 100,000 cycles and offers the lowest possible operating forces and helps prevent handle ‘droop'
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